2024 ALS Research Symposium | Ann Arbor

ALS Research
ALS Awareness

The Live Like Lou Foundation's biennial ALS Research Symposium was held July 25-27, 2024, at the University of Michigan and brought together more than 100 early-career researchers from across the globe to learn, collaborate, and network to advance ALS research.

Symposium host Sami Barmada, PhD, from the University of Michigan, welcomes researchers and guests to the Symposium opening event, trivia night.
The opening event included members of the ALS community in and around Ann Arbor. Congratulations to our winning trivia teams!

Our Symposium poster session featured early-career ALS scientists sharing ideas, collaborating, and networking on inspiring pre-clinical studies. These investigators will leave ALS better than they found it.

One of Live Like Lou's 2024 Postdoctoral Fellowship recipients, Greg Mohl, left, presenting his poster during the Friday night poster session.

A special thank you to our Symposium host, Sami Barmada from the University of Michigan, pictured above with Evangelos Kiskinis, our Scientific Director, and Navdeep Chandel from Northwestern University, our keynote speaker.

Live Like Lou believes attracting and retaining ALS researchers and scientists is a vital outcome of our investments. By supporting emerging researchers at critical points in their career, our grant and fellowship programs help ensure a steady stream of ALS researchers dedicated to finding treatments or cures for this disease. We were honored to be joined by the nine early-career investigators funded by the Live Like Lou Foundation since 2019.

Live Like Lou's 2019, 2021, and 2023 Career Development Award recipients and our Scientific Research Committee.
Live Like Lou's 2022-2024 Postdoctoral Fellows.
In late 2023, Live Like Lou co-funded an early investigator award with the Packard Center for ALS Research at Johns Hopkins University.
We are grateful to our Scientific Research Committee for serving as the Symposium planning committee: Evangelos Kiskinis, Northwestern; Yuna Ayala, St. Louis University; Sami Barmada, Michigan; Veronique Belzil, Vanderbilt; not pictured: Lindsey Hayes, Hopkins.

Thank you to our Symposium sponsors for making this meeting possible:

Together, we're making strides in ALS research and leaving ALS better than we found it!

The Live Like Lou Foundation looks forward to our 2026 ALS Research Symposium that Daniela Zarnescu, PhD, from Penn State College of Medicine, will host.

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