2024 Polo At Sunset

ALS Awareness

We had an amazing time at Polo at Sunset on Friday, July 19, at Hickory Hall Polo Club. We were thrilled to have the chance to bring the Live Like Lou community together for an unforgettable evening of community and fun.

For over two decades, Hickory Hall Polo Club has hosted Friday polo matches every summer, allowing local nonprofits to benefit. We're honored to have been selected from hundreds of interested organizations and will share proceeds from all funds raised with our friends at Down Syndrome Indiana.

In addition to watching the polo match, we loved watching the helicopter candy drop and the stick horse races for kiddos at halftime. Our VIP sponsors also enjoyed a VIP barn tour ahead of the event.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone in our Live Like Lou community who joined us.

A huge shoutout to our incredible sponsors, including Still Standing, a group of caregivers who've lost a loved one to ALS; volunteers, including friends from Phi Delta Theta at Butler University; and attendees for making this event possible. Special thanks to the Chandler family for graciously hosting us at the beautiful Hickory Hall Polo Club. We're grateful to have spent the evening with Down Syndrome Indiana and their community of supporters, too!

Together, we are making a difference and leaving ALS better than we found it.

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