Iron Horse Scholarships Application Open for 2025

ALS Community
ALS Families
Lou Gehrig

If you or someone you know has been touched by Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) and is a dependent whose family's finances have been impacted due to a parent or guardian (living or who passed in 2020 or after) having been diagnosed with ALS, please invite them to submit an interest application for an Iron Horse Scholarship. This renewable, four-year scholarship provides up to $2,130 per semester for up to eight semesters for students pursuing a degree.

The scholarship value, $2,130, harkens to Lou Gehrig's consecutive games played record and reminds our award recipients of all that Lou stood for in the face of ALS. The deadline for completed interest applications is Friday, February 28, 2025. View a PDF overview of the application.

Registered Live Like Lou families receive preference in the application process. Register your ALS family. Registering makes you eligible for the Connect and Serve program (matching families with volunteers for short-term or one-time projects in/around the home), Home Improvement Grants for renovations that become necessary following an ALS diagnosis, and Holiday Respite Grants. Read more about each program.

Finalists for Iron Horse Scholarships will be notified in mid-March and asked to complete a supplementary application, including a personal essay and letter of recommendation. Four Iron Horse Scholarship recipients will be announced in April, along with one-time Onward Awards of $444-$2,130 for select finalists.


Since its inception, the Live Like Lou Foundation has awarded four Iron Horse Scholarships annually in honor of Lou Gehrig's #4 jersey for the Yankees. Learn more about our previous recipients:


In 2021, one-time Onward Awards were established to honor runners-up to Iron Horse Scholarships. Onward Awards come in varying amounts and are awarded from the pool of finalist applicants for Iron Horse Scholarships. ONWARD is inspired by Live Like Lou's founder, Neil Alexander, who lost his battle with ALS in 2015. It signified looking ahead and forward, to a future without ALS.

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