Honoring Laurie Petrucce Roselle

ALS Awareness
ALS Community

Laurie Roselle and ALS 

Laurie Roselle was a remarkable woman who made a difference in many people’s lives while shunning the spotlight. Her loyalty to family, friends, sorority and alma mater was as infectious as her smile.

She graduated from Purdue University in 1977, where she first joined Delta Gamma Fraternity. She enjoyed a career in the legal community in both Indianapolis and New York City, finishing her career as Director of Legal Services - North America with Clifford Chance LLP.

Laurie’s life included her service with Delta Gamma in numerous advisory and executive positions, including President of the Fraternity and the Delta GammaFoundation Board of Trustees. Her philanthropic efforts and leadership skills led to her being one of only two Delta Gamma’s to have received all six of the fraternity’s prestigious awards. 

Her eagerness and desire to serve made a profound difference in others’ lives. The many philanthropic efforts she led over the years are too numerous to mention. Her larger-than-life vision and generosity inspired others to contribute on all levels.

Laurie became a Notre Dame fan early, attending football games with her father. Her dream to become a “Domer” came true in 1982 when she married John Roselle, a 1975 graduate of Notre Dame. She and John enjoyed Notre Dame football games, visits to campus and many other activities together.

In September 2021, Laurie was diagnosed with ALS, an incurable neurodegenerative disease known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. She chose early on to publicly discuss the disease and to share her experience and journey as it rapidly stole her body but not her mind or spirit. She took to social media and told her ALS story to friends and family despite its rapid progression.

In 2022 the Roselles endowed research at Notre Dame’s Neurosciences Department via the Live Like Lou Foundation. Today they are pursuing additional research grants with Purdue University. Their goal is to expand the number of emerging researchers seeking to solve ALS by accelerating the growth of emerging research at both Notre Dame and Purdue. Their 3rd Annual Fundraiser on October 25, 2024 will be their boldest effort yet. Learn more on how you can support our All in for Laurie Trivia fundraiser.

Why Live Like Lou?

The Live Like Lou Foundation was founded in 2017 by Neil and Susan Alexander. Neil was a member of Phi Delta Theta, Lou Gehrig’s fraternity, and was diagnosed with ALS in 2011 at the age of 47. They helped establish the Live Like Lou Center for ALS Research at University of Pittsburgh’s Brain Institute.

The Live Like Lou Foundation was chartered to focus on ALS research within Phi Delta Theta’s national philanthropy of ALS. Its support for emerging research technologies and collaboration to find a cure for ALS is a vision the Roselles embrace. Live Like Lou’s Scientific Research Committee includes researchers from Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins, University of Michigan, Northwestern, and Washington University.

Expanding Awareness, Improving Collaboration and Finding a Cure

People know of ALS, few understand how insidious it is, how draining it can be on patients and families. Many beyond the ALS community do not understand how the disease progresses and impacts patients.

Foundations like Live Like Lou have emerged to benefit ALS research and families. Raising both public awareness and understanding of ALS is a key to facilitating philanthropic efforts and resulting research.

ALS research is under-funded. Lou Gehrig died from ALS 85 years ago, yet there is still no test, no cure, and no significant treatment. While mainstream research continues, Live Like Lou is investing in new and emerging technologies, new partners and the sharing of ideas, initiatives, and research results.

Laurie’s own words on Facebook tell the story of ALS, its impact and how the human spirit fights to beat this dreaded disease.

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